The sixth edition of Herbert Schildt's “ Java 8. Beginner's Guide”, updated with all the latest innovations in the Java Platform, Java SE 8, will let beginners get started with Java programming right away. Herbert Schildt, the world-famous author of many books on programming, already at the beginning of the book introduces readers to how programs written in Java are created, compiled and executed. The following explains the keywords , syntax, and language constructs that make up the Java core. In addition, the book “Java 8. Beginner's Guide” covers topics of increased complexity: multithreaded programming, generalized types, means of the Swing library. The latest features of Java SE 8 , such as lambda expressions and interface methods used by default, did not go unnoticed by the author. In conclusion, the author introduces readers to JavaFX - a new promising technology for creating modern graphical user interfaces that differ in their elegant appearance and r...